For couples planning a Catholic wedding

Wedding Topics

Catholic wedding program template for a Catholic wedding without Mass

Following is a template you can use to create your own wedding program for a Catholic wedding without Mass. Here's how:

  • Work with your parish to plan your wedding liturgy. Do not use this wedding program as a planning tool. See the Catholic wedding planning section for information on planning your wedding liturgy, and the Outline of a Catholic wedding without Mass for an explanation of the parts of the wedding liturgy.
  • Select the text that follows and paste it into a word processing program.
  • Modify the text to fit your wedding. There is no "standard" Catholic wedding program, so you may want to delete all but the major elements from this sample wedding program in order to shorten it. On the other hand, you may want to add the assembly's responses, for example, or instructions regarding when to stand, sit, or kneel; you can find these elements in Order of a Catholic wedding outside Mass.
  • If the service music is not available in your parish's hymnal, you may wish to insert it directly into the program. (If you do so, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holder with the help of your parish.)
  • For additional tips on creating and printing your program, see Creating a wedding program.

Cover page

The Wedding of

[Church name. e.g., Church of the Holy Redeemer or Saint Mary's Parish]

[Wedding Date]

Alternate cover page

[Church name]
Celebrates the Wedding of

[Wedding Date]

Alternate cover page

The Wedding Liturgy Uniting
in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

[Wedding Date]

Inside text


"Immaculate Mary"

[List prelude music, if any. You may also wish to list the name of the composer and/or the name of the soloists or musicians providing the music.]



"Trumpet Voluntary"

Please stand.

Find out more about Catholic wedding processions


Gathering song

"Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"

Located in Hymnal #669.

[At many Catholic weddings, the gathering song is sung during the opening procession, or instrumental music is played during the procession, and the gathering song is omitted.]





Opening Prayer


Liturgy of the Word


[The underlined headings indicating the parts of the Mass may be omitted.]


First Reading

Genesis 2:18-24

Please sit.


Responsorial Psalm

"The Lord is kind and merciful." (Psalm 103)

Please join the cantor on the refrain.


Second Reading

1 John 4:7-12


Gospel Acclamation


Please stand and join the cantor on the refrain.



John 15:9-12



Please sit.


Celebration of Matrimony

Please stand.


Statement of Intentions


Exchange of Consent

After the exchange of vows, all join the cantor in singing the "Alleluia" acclamation.

[A sung acclamation following the exchange of vows is optional.]


Blessing and Exchange of Rings

After the exchange of rings, all join the cantor in singing the "Alleluia" acclamation.

[A sung acclamation following the exchange of rings is optional.]


The Universal Prayer

Please respond to each prayer with the response indicated by the lector.


Nuptial Blessing


The Lord's Prayer



Please respond by singing "Amen" when prompted by the cantor.

[Note that a sung response is optional.]



"Lift Up Your Hearts"

Located in Hymnal #691.


Back cover or inside back cover

Wedding Party


Parents of the Bride



Parents of the Groom



Grandparents of the Bride



Grandparents of the Groom



Maid [or Matron] of Honor



Best Man












Flower Girls



Ring Bearer



Personal attendants



Ministers of the Liturgy





Altar servers






Ministers of Music [or: Musicians]



Lectors [or: Readers]



Gift bearers



Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion



Other information you may want to include in your wedding program:

  • Words of welcome encouraging your guests' participation in the celebration.
  • A request not to use flash photography during the ceremony.
  • Thanks and acknowledgements to those who helped to plan and organize the wedding; don't forget your parish staff.
  • Quotes from Scripture, poetry, artwork—to be used to fill blank spaces.
  • Directions to the reception hall.

For more information

Creating a wedding program for your guests
Providing your guests with wedding programs that contain the service music and the assembly's responses can help them celebrate your wedding more fully. Here's how to make your own wedding program.

Order of a Catholic wedding during Mass
Here is the order of a Catholic wedding during Mass, with an explanation of each of the parts and notation for music options.


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